Color from 1906

Dr. Michael R. Shaughnessy put up a gallery of scanned true color images from 1906 with geolocalisation added. This is pretty amazing to see various european locations in color.

1906 True Color Photos scanned from old prints. Part of CAPL project at Washington & Jefferson College by Dr. Michael R. Shaughnessy. Please cite if linked or embedded. I am not sure of the copyright holder at this point and hope to place them under CC licensing for non-commercial use. These photos were originally published by the Institute for Color Photography, Carl Weller, Berlin. Verlagsanstalt für Farbenfotographie, 1906. Send any info to

Here are a few samples – see above for the copyright notice:

Pisa, Italy

Pisa, Italy

Goethe's Gartenhaus, Weimar, Germany

Goethe’s Gartenhaus, Weimar, Germany

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic

Via Boing Boing.