Linked: “Rant: I love photography”

Allen Murabayashi wrote Rant: I love photography. Allen is CEO and Co-founder of PhotoShelter, originally wrote this on the PhotoShelter blog, and got republished on Wired “rawfile”.

His only reason to write this:

There is a percentage of photographers who hate photography.

And he give special mention to Boston Globe’s Big Picture and later the Atlantic’s In Focus, my favorite photo blogs.

In Focus: All-Request

The regular In-Focus from the Atlantic has a crowd-source topic this time called All Request. You ask it via twitter, you get it, if the editor finds it. He has access to a powerful database of images from press agencies ; and as a last resort, uses Flickr.

This regular In Focus has joined The Big Picture in my list of feeds a while ago.

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Russia in Color (1910)


This time it is the Big Picture from the Boston Globe to present an exhibit about Russia in Color, with these autochromes from the Prokudin-Gorskii collection at the Library of Congress (USA).

General view of the [Nikolaevskii] cathedral from southwest. Mozhaisk – Prokudin-Gorskiï­, Sergeï Mikhaïlovich, 1863-1944, photographer – From Library of Congress

Also I recommend the Big Picture as a regular “reading” for the pictures.

Color from 1906

Dr. Michael R. Shaughnessy put up a gallery of scanned true color images from 1906 with geolocalisation added. This is pretty amazing to see various european locations in color.

1906 True Color Photos scanned from old prints. Part of CAPL project at Washington & Jefferson College by Dr. Michael R. Shaughnessy. Please cite if linked or embedded. I am not sure of the copyright holder at this point and hope to place them under CC licensing for non-commercial use. These photos were originally published by the Institute for Color Photography, Carl Weller, Berlin. Verlagsanstalt für Farbenfotographie, 1906. Send any info to

Here are a few samples – see above for the copyright notice:

Pisa, Italy

Pisa, Italy

Goethe's Gartenhaus, Weimar, Germany

Goethe’s Gartenhaus, Weimar, Germany

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic

Via Boing Boing.

America in Color 1939-1943

The Denver Post Photo Blogs has an exhibit called “Captured: America in Color 1939-1943”.

Some stunning images taken between 1939 and 1943 depicting America, in Color. When I think about that period, I most of the time imaging black & white, because it was the predominant form of photography at the time. But color film, was already available, even to the general public.

That’s the kind of photography I love, depicting people, in everyday situations, to form our memories (of the past).

Via Boing Boing.